Users Guide To Internet Slang Prt 2
Learning Internet Chat speak is indeed very important, shortening words into easlily recognizable slogans.
The following I hope you find helpful in understanding what your chat friends are communicating to you:
TYVM - Till You Veg Me ( something vegans do?)
YVW - Yak versus Walrus (my moneys on the walrus)
WTG - Will Tail Gate (reminding people to stock up on beer)
WB- We Burp ( too much beer?)
TTYL - Tell Time You Lout ( reminds people not to be late to tail gate party)
HB- Had Botox ( self explainitory)
OMG - Old Mother Goose ( gotta love the old goose)
IDK - I don’t know what this means either.
JK- Jungle King (so people know you’re king of the jungle)
SN- Sho Nuff
WTF - Wild Turkey Farmer ( the turkey’s wild not the farmer)
TY- Tough Yams (cooked them too long?)
I hope that this short lesson has been helpful in your internet chat experience.