
Mother Is The Name For God... (A City of Heroes Story)

“Allen,” Robert said, cold rage building in his voice. “What the hell did you do to her?”

“Why, we saved her, Robert.” He smiled, a smug grin that, even when they were best friends, grated on Robert. “We gave her a new life, and in return, she agreed to…” Allen stopped. “That’s far enough, my dear.” Robert looked over to see his daughter already half way around the room, swords drawn, arms tense and ready for a fight.

“Where was I?” Allen continued. “Oh, yes. She agreed to help us test some new equipment we were working on for the military. Elizabeth, my dear, why don’t you show Robert you new toys?”

Elizabeth’s voice, flat and emotionless, said, “Children. Your mother needs you.” From the hallway, Robert heard heavy, metallic footsteps, and three robots, bristling with weaponry, strode obediently into the room.

“Mommy? Can I come in, too?” The voice outside was deep, rumbling, but child-like.

“Yes, Tommy,” Elizabeth said. “I think daddy and your big sister would love to see you.”

Robert’s heart sank.

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