Benett Finds A Friend
Benett walks into the animal shelter looking for a new friend. He just moved into a huge house with a few of his friends. The only thing that would make moving in complete, would be a dog. He has loved dogs all his life. He had several as a child. Now that hes an adult he wants there to be a dog in his life again.
Benett walks to the room where all the dogs are kept. He hears them all barking before he even enters the room. As he steps inside the room they all seem to get quiet. They could probably pick up on his scent.
Benett starts with one isle of dogs. he looks at them slowly. Then twoards the end of the row he sees one. More like they see eachother. The dog looks right at him, as if he knew he was looking at his would-be -owner. The dog immediately sits and just locks eyes with Benett. The dog gives his best doggy smile. Benett in turn smiles back. He knows its destiny. He makes note of his name, so he can alert the staff, of his wishes to adopt.