Perhaps some Explaining is in Order
Perhaps some explaining is in order. I’m Midnight, a Night Faerie. Night Faeries live in, well, the Night Realm and Faeries live in the Light. The difference between Night Faeries and just Faeries? Faeries worship the Goddess and long ago some Faerie decided that they didn’t think the Goddess was worthy. They gathered some followers and tried to stage a coup. Needles to say it didn’t work. They were banished and after a while of being separated from Her they began to lose their magic and their wings. Soon there was no magic left in the Night Realm and we had to resort to other methods. I’m one of the few (by few I mean I’m the only one) who have wings and magic, though no one knows. My father knows I have wings but I’ve managed to hide my magic from him. A while ago I met Loni and we managed to talk through the Border which separated all the Light and Night Realm. Only Traders can cross. They bring magic items from the Light to us. My father’s never let me see them. So I sneaked out and here we are. Anyway…