Tonington: En Route to Wellingtonshire-town
The good doctor pulled the brass chain that vented the hot buoyant gas from the top of the aeroballoon. The appearance of his visage indicated he was nonplussed about the task he’d been defaultly assigned, but considering the professor’s condition, there was no alternative.
“I’m ever so glad you could come along with me, Reginald,” the professor beamed. “I haven’t the slightest ide of what I’d do if I’d had to rely on that bumbling imbecile another time!”
“Oh, do not be so hard on Rupert; he is but a simple chap.”
“Yes, yes, I realise, but is there nothing that can be done for it?”
“In any case, were I you, Tonington, I would not be so quick to judge. All things in this world have their use.”
“Not that oaf, to be sure.”
“We shall see, shan’t we?” The duo left Rupert at that.
The doctor peer over the side of the basket. “I will need your assistance shortly, Tonington. We’ve arrived at Wellingtonshire-town. Place your hand on that lever over there, and pull on my mark.”
A brief pause.