
Station to Station

Izzy was outside, looking very eager.

“Oh, menina, way to goooo!” She called out, giving me a double thumbs-up.

“You, you and your evil voodoo are going to pay,” I said, pointing my finger at her.

“Eh, your voodoo doll is one naughty little creature all on her own,” Izzy replied.

“Funny,” I said grumpily.

“So menina, are you going to tell me what happened?” Izzy asked excitedly.

“We made out. On a piano. Well, technically, I mauled him in his doorway. But he didn’t seem to mind,” I said hopefully.

“Would any sane man mind?” Izzy asked sarcastically. We had made it back to my flat, and I could hear the music of his piano fluttering over the alley, but I shut it out by closing all the windows and drawing the curtains.

“What are you doing?” Izzy questioned.

“I just don’t want to hear it right now,” I said, pouting my way into the bathroom, and shutting the window tightly.

For the rest of the afternoon, we listened to Station to Station to drown out the sound of the sad piano.

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