Everything New is Old Again
The car began to shudder and bounce as it roared down the highway. I sighed and pushed the touch screen away from me on its swivel arm. There’d be no getting any work done now. The magnetic suspension must have given out, leaving us to ride on plain old springs. How barbaric.
The driver turned to face me, his eyes hidden in the glittering biofeedback lenses that always, to me, made drivers look more insect-like than human.
“Not sure how long we can run at this speed, your honour, the mag suspension just gave out.”
“just don’t strand us out here,” I replied.
“Yes your honour, I’ll transmit our new ETA to border control.” I waved a bejewelled hand dismissively and turned to look out the window.
God this zone is bad, I thought, looking at the ruined shell of a dome arcology in the distance. The magistrate will have to order a purge soon, and then the pro-lifers will get all riled up again, and parliament will grind to a halt for a month or so while everyone shouts at one another. How tedious.