Confessions of a Ficlet Megalomaniac
Hello, my name is THX , and I’m a Ficletholic. Whew, that feels good to say. Sure, I’ve heard it many times, you know, from my family, the few friends who know, and my coworkers. I’m here because I know I need help.
I mean, this is getting out of hand. I check for comments and notes at work…on the shared computer…when I should be reviewing lab results or inputting orders…with other people in the room…while whistling the marching tune from ‘The Bridge Over the River Kwai’. Yeah, I can’t really explain any of that, especially the last part.
As some of you may know, and this is really embarrassing, it’s all gone to my head so much I started a little organization and appointed myself the leader of it. Oh, it was all cute and stuff in the beginning, but now…well, I’ve slipped up and introduced myself to patients as the Grand Awesome Marshall. I’ve even put the title on my resume. I’ll take it back off…eventually.
Look, I know I need help. Right after I check for comments on my series. Okay?