
All Over A Boy!

What a stupid idea it was to say yes.
I didn’t know what I was getting myself into.
But hey… he was cute… and funny!
We went out for 5 whole months.
Then the words came.
“It’s not you… it’s me.”
Oh like we all haven’t heard that one before!
My life was at it’s worst end.
I cryed myself to sleep.
Then the worst of the worst happened,
He started going out with her.
My best friend!
How could she?
How dare she!
But then…after 5 more months,
it happened to her:
“It’s not you… It’s me.”
They were over,
so was she,
How much more happy could I be?
How could I?
How dare I!
I lost a friendship, a good one,
Over a boy.
I said to her “Could we forget this? You know, leave it behind?”
“Well I’ve missed you… and I wouldn’t mind if it was back to the way it was again, so, yeah!”
She replied.
“I’m sorry!” I cried,
“Me too!”, and with a hug it was behind us…

Just think, this started…
All over a boy.

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