Pig E Bank goes to Jerry Springer
Jerry! Jerry! Jerry!
Jerry: Welcome everyone to the show! This is our first guest, PIg E Bank.
PIGHello Jerry. (sniffle, takes tissue, wipes eyes)
So Pig E, what brings you here today?
Pig E: Well Jerry I am here to confront the man that has done me wrong, attacked me, screwed me over…it don’t make any sense…
Jerry: and I take it he did not leave any “cents” in your back…
Audience groans…
Jerry: Hey give me a break, the writers are on strike!
Pig E: Hey Jerry I ain’t no Ho! I did not even get any money!
In fact he stuck everything in my back BUT money! He presents himself as this cute sweet guy who collects piggy banks as a hobby but when he got me home and into his room oh my God!!
Jerry: Everything “changed?”
Pig E: Yeah and I ain’t talking about nickels and pennies neither! He greased up his penis and then he was all over me! My hole was not designed for that ya know?
Jerry: Yes so I have heard…Now lets welcome the man who attacked you Carl to the show!
Jerry! Jerry! Jerry!!!