
Happy Happy Happy Happy...

I spent the rest of the afternoon in total and complete bliss, and when I finally had to leave, he did something that gave me a cloud to float on all the way home.
I was standing at the door, staring into his gorgeous hazel eyes, his bangs slightly shading them.
“Well, goodbye then,” he said.
“Goodbye,” I whispered. I turned to leave when he grabbed my hand and pulled me close to him again, gently giving me a soft kiss before disappearing into his house. I stood for a moment, surprised, before walking to my bike, smiling the largest smile I’ve smiled in ages. That’s what a kiss is supposed to feel like.
I grabbed my bike and shot down the sidewalk, the wind rushing through my hair. Ok, fine, it was stupid not to put my helmet on, but I wanted to feel the wind ok? sheesh. Anyway, I was only three blocks away from my house when somebody decided to drop a big fat misery bomb on me.
I rounded the corner and who should I nearly run into?

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