Be Yourself {hidden message challenge}
Someday We’ll all becomE somebody, Actually, we already
are somebodies. We just might not know it yet. HeRe, let mE tell you something, we all have a reason. Never let anybody pUsh you down, and if they do, get back oN your feet and show them what you’re really made of.
You can do anything as Long as you want It. You are invincible unless you let yourself become weaK, scarEd.
Instead of cringing in fear, stand in brAvery and be proud of who you are, your owN reason. Stand with confidence, not shame. Be giddY, happy, you. Not emOtionless, boriNg, fakE.
The key to happiness is life. LivE your life as yourseLf, that iS who you’re best at being. Being our own person is our rEason.