Izzy's Capture
John eventually overpowered Renard’s slaps, and brought him down with a single punch to the face. His body crashed to the floor. Izzy tried to make a run for the door, but was stopped short by the entrance of Pablo.
“I should have known it was you,” John growled.
“Bella, Bella, Bella, you thought you got away so easily?” Pablo said with a laugh. Izzy glared at him with contempt and took a step back. The men lunged for her, grasping her flailing arms and holding her down on the floor.
She struggled under the grips of the two men, but would not admit her defeat. She spit in each of their faces and smiled coyly.
“Dirty bastards!” she yelled.
Renard crawled silently from behind, still half concious, grasping desperately for the gun on the floor.
“Come now Bella,” Pablo said pulling her up, “We have someone you need to meet.”
A gun fired. Once, twice. The two men hit the floor. Izzy met Renard’s shocked expression.
“I guess it was loaded after all,” she said, stunned.