
The Start of Discouragement

Courtney read the now damp slip of paper in her hand. She had read it for the past half hour. It said:

1. Fake confidence and smile
2. Prepare before the interview
3. Relax

Courtney still could not wrap her mind around the words. She crumpled up the paper into a tight, tiny, damp, wad. “I shouldn’t be this worried,” she thought. “I am perfect for this job. I have great qualifications. I am smart. I am pretty. But, wait, does it even matter that I’m attractive? Or pretty? Am I pretty? Do I look okay? Am I presenting myself correct—”

“Courtney Foster?”

Courtney stood up a little to fast, toppling over in the process. She immediatly stood up, quickly smoothing her first business suit, keeping her eyes focused on the ground. She walked into the small office and sat down in the uncomfortable chair in front of desk.

The interview began.

Then ended.

Two days later, the first of many letters came through the mail.

“Miss Foster, we’re sorry to tell you that the position has been filled.”

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