
Daylight Visit

“Hi, Sora, hon,” Sora’s mother brought in a tray, laden with pancakes and syrup. “Here’s your breakfast.”
“Thanks, Mom,” Sora said, smiling brightly.
“Well, don’t you look happy!” she said.
“I am,” Sora attacked her pancakes.
“I’m glad you’re eating again,” her mother said.
“Yep, my appetite just shot back,” Sora grinned.

A few more minutes, and she had finished breakfast. Sora changed into her clothes, a white dress. She tied up her hair and braided it. Then she twisted it into a bun over her head.

Sora called and coaxed until her cat, Sugar, had come to her hands. Then, placing Sugar on her lap, Sora sat down to read a book. Suddenly, the doorbell rang.

Her mother came into the room.
“Sora, there’s a young man who wants to see you,” she said.
“Oh?” Sora stood up, holding Sugar.

She went to the door.
“Who is it?”
“Forgotten about me already?”

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