
The Egyptian Medallion

The vines quickly wrappped around my tattered,twig-covered jeans.Then,in my hand, the medallion shimmered from the sunlight.I glanced at the pyramid I’d wandered out of,hungry,tired and deflated.
I glanced at the medallion,which didn’t seem so facinating as it imitated a phosphorecent glow.I realized I didn’t have time for solemn remorse.I had to get out of here!The vines vigorously wrapped up my arms now.I willed the river to rise.
Hundreds of pounds murky water,dude.
The force was so big,the vines broke off me and dispersed into dust.Luckily,I was a daughter of Poseidon,lord of the sea.
I willed the water to return back to the river and back to it’s original current.I ran,tripped over mossy tree roots,got my foot stuck in holes and fell flat on my face.I spat dirt and sand out of my mouth.I never thought I would have to taste Dirt Chex Mix.
One of the many GODS of Egypt,Ra,had sent his veggie vines after me before,and i defeated them.Then the medallion buzzed and glowed in my pocket.
I was close.

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