
"Hang in There."

During our short trip, the kitten coughed up more blood. I remembered my vet schooling books.

“Why is he spitting up blood?” Ryuuki glanced for a minute at the kitten.
“I think whatever bit him got to an organ; It’s causing internal bleeding and his trachea and esophagus are getting clogged up. It’s like instant tuberculosis,” I said, wiping the kitten’s mouth carefully.
“How do you know so much?”
“Quiet and listen; I need someone to reel this off to, or I might forget,” I inspected the kitten closely. “Whatever left this bite was definitely another feline. There are claw marks and if it were a dog, biting this viciously, the kitten would be torn in half. But the bite seems bigger than a domestic cat; Do you think he ran into a bobcat or something?” I asked. I tried to make the kitten as comfy as possible.
We drove into the parking lot and we both got out hastily.

“Hang in there, little buddy,” I gasped as we ran.

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