
An Inspiration To Love(phosphoros challenge)

“This is interesting. Is this a test from God or a byproduct of my own ambitions? Maybe I’m thinking too much,” I wondered aloud to no one. I’m playing the Wii. As I finished the Third World’s boss(I swear, Super Mario Bros. 3 has some of the best mind games for a game, period), I thought about how hard I fought to protect my internship and how lackadaisical I became as far as meeting women and immediately annoyed.

“Stop trying to force it.” “The right one will come to you.” “You won’t find anything if you look for it.” All bullshit, completely 100% at that. If you wan’t to get anything, you have to find it. My friends in relationships always preach this shit. A friend of mine set it up to shout out a woman I know at a concert that he played. They hooked up and are dating since, two years this summer. Hardly serendipitous. “Damn,” I said. A giant fish ate me. Which one am I going to choose? Weird, Kanye said the same thing, ‘While I’m chasing one the other’s getting away.’

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