
My Deepest Regret, part 3

Funny how my other deep regret is related to my deepest one. Because I didn’t finish school, I can not attend the JET Programme. I’ve always wanted to see the world, but now, five years later, I’m too far behind schedule to do it. I may never see Tokyo Palace, Kyoto or any historic landmarks in Japan. Because of my lack of confidence, I can’t enjoy my life as planned.

The plan was simple: finish school as soon as possible; retire as soon as possible. Then enjoy the rest of life. I know some people are reading this, saying, “You can always finish later.” “It’s never too late to go back to school.” “Life happens; deal with it.” Well, the plan was so intricate that I accounted summer vacations as well! Also, I personally feel that there is an age limit on how the age you should be while living away, i.e. there is a maximum age to living away on campus and going to college. But, thanks to recent events, I have a new plan: Let nothing hinder me from my success. No enemy, family, friend, not even God himself.

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