
My Deepest Regret part 2(Challenge)

I applied to CUNYs, just to go through the motions. The only one I’m interested in is Brooklyn College; the rest, whatever. I’ve always wanted to go away to school. Most of my cousins are going to schools elsewhere; this may be a good look for me. “Did you put in for the CUNYs yet?” my mother asked. “Yeah, but I’m not interested. I want to go to Sullivan.”

The days seemed to inch away. The thought returned to my mind, What if you fail out? You can’t pass. You failed and skimmed through high school. You will fail if you go away. That, coupled with my parents constantly, indirectly implimenting that they wouldn’t help me go away made me make a decision. I decided to quit. To give up and to go to school in the city. Funny thing is, I failed my classes anyway. I was miserable for months, depressed. I hated my life, myself, my decision. Going in to school with that on my shoulders was too much.

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