
Letters to Amberly: What to do?

Hi Kingsley,

Alright, I’ll hold off a bit, but you’re killing me Kingsley! I want nothing more than to have a peaceful relationship between the two of us, why do you have to be so cruel?

So, job hunting? No college Kingsley? I thought you were going this fall, you already took a year off! Mother wants me to go somewhere highly pretentious, but I’d really like to take a year off, go travelling somewhere like you did, or see things like a normal human being, like getting a job and paying bills and doing my own grocery shopping. It sounds really thrilling to be honest. Oh, god you must think I’m an idiot, Kings.

But for once in my life I’d like to make one decision for myself without someone behind me every step of the way. I want to make mistakes, I want to not look perfect every day that I wake up because someone might actually care. Ah! I want to scream. I now really understand how you feel.

What should I do Kingsley?

- Amberly

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