Letters to Amberly: Wake Up
Dear Amberly,
I’m in a diner this morning, sucking down coffee as if I was going to die tommorow and I’m mulling ever so bored over your letter. Anyway, the diner is playing this old song, “Wake Up Little Suzy” by the Everley Brothers and I’m thinking…
Forget about anyone but yourself. Stop caring what they think, how they might react…just be you. I know you’re in there somewhere, despite how pretentious you may think you are. So, be a radical, declare anarchy, drink a mojito…go wild, its not like I actually care or anything. Just do it for yourself. You’re in an asylum.
But other than that, it’s a pleasant day out here in California. The sun is shining and its just sickening. One of those rainbows and smiles days. Don’t you just want to gag?
I do. Write soon, you’re misery gives me joy.