
Marguerite's Agony

What was happening? Everything was a whirlwind. One minute Pierre and I are talking and the next, Izzy bursts in panicked, dragging me out the door and now there’s a crazy man with a gun shouting at us, and John is pointing a gun at Izzy and all I can do is sit on the floor and cry.

I can’t stop crying, I’ve never been in such a scary situation. Why is Izzy so calm? How does she know these people…who is the man in her apartment? I just can’t stop sobbing.

The man is screaming at me, he’s going to kill us. Izzy tells me to shut up, her voice sounds so gritty. I’ve never seen her like this before.

Pierre is stumbling around behind me, he seems so confused, he tries to reach out for me, but I push him away. I curl up and try to be quiet, muffling my terrified sobs

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