

“Wha- Oh hi.” Her look told me she had forgotten I was still here, or hoped I would have left by now.
“Sam, what were you doing?”
“What? Well, he asked me what was wrong, and invited me into his house. I couldn’t really say no.”
“Uh, yes! Yes you could have! But, no. You just had to go flirt with him instead. You guys are together now, aren’t you?”
Her face told me I was right. “You’re acting like I betrayed you! I never did anything wrong! It’s not like you like him like that. You just wanted to be friends!!!”
“Never did anything? You abandoned me out here! You didn’t even make an attempt to go back outside for your friend, you would rather stay inside at your boyfriend’s house. I don’t even want to know what you were doing.” Ok that was a lie. I did want to know.
“Oh come on! Don’t be so sensitive! You’re just jealous. Jealous and over-protective of him. And, he’s not even your friend, you just wish he was.You’re like his personal stalker or something.”
“That was low.” And I left.

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