
Have a nice day . . .

How long had it been?

How long would it be?

He got on well with his colleagues, but this job was just a pay cheque at the end of every month. Every month for the last six years. That’s how long it had been.

His parents taking half, the other half being saved. University? Travelling? Anything that would let him catch up with the road out of this black hole of a town. That was the thought that got him through the days, weeks, months.

He stood there filling the shelves he’d filled a hundred times before. A half price promotion. The lamps were new, but everything else was the same. From the shirt on his back, to the customers buying what the TV told them they needed.

But how much longer would it have to be? The more he worked, the more he saved. The more he worked, the more this job became his life.

If only something would happen.

Something to break the monotony.

Something more to life than clean up’s on aisle five.

Something . . . .

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