
Look Back or Move On

The man in the taxi sees his long lost lover in the window. The girl recognizes the man as well, however wishes to never see him again. He broke her heart once and she wants nothing to do with him now. Thinking about stopping and getting out of the cab, the man hesitates to opening the door. Surprised at the fact that of all the people in the world, the man she wants to see the least is there a couple feet beside her, the girl stops to further look at the man who ruined her teenage years. Finally the man makes up his mind, pays the driver and slowly gets out of the car. Somewhat anxious, the girl turns and starts to walk faster to the Public Library. The man instantly yells “Hey wait!â€? but the girl refuses to listen. “Wait a minute! I just want to talk!â€? the man repeats. Only a couple steps away from the Library door, the girl stops. Her heart won’t let her move another inch despite what her mind is saying.

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