
"Dude, You Almost Killed Me"

“Dude, wher’ed ya get that at?, can I hold it? Is it loaded?”, said an eager Zach.
Bram replied, “In my dad’s closet. No you can’t hold it. I dunno, might be.”

Bram proceeded to aim the gun, Power Rangers style, at Zach.

“Lemme see it”, Zach pleaded.

“See it, ” Bram said waving it around, pointing it in Zachs’ face.

“Come on dude stop, just let me have it,” Zach begged.

“You really want it huh?”, teased Bram.

Zach said, “Yeah I really want it, now let me have it.”

“If you insist,” said Bram, as he pulled the trigger and watched his friends eyes bug out with fear.

“Not cool dude, not cool,” said a now angry Zach.

“Ha, the look on your face, priceless,” laughed Bram.

Bram finaly handed his fathers gun over to his friend Zach.
Zach held the gun out, closed one eye and squeezed the trigger, aiming at the oak tree in the back yard.

Both boys were wide eye in shock.

“Ya, guess it was loaded after all”, Bram said apologeticaly.

Zach responded, “Dude You almost killed me.”

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