Time for Me to Fly 15
“I know a lot of things.” He said in a fake deep voice.
“I’m sure you think you do.” I answered.
“I know I do.”
“But really, I’ve been calculating and the last time I saw you would be one year ago yesterday.” He said seriously. I walked over to the full-length mirror in my room to fix my hair. I looked at myself. A year ago, I still had bad acne, glasses, braces, and baby fat. Now, as per Trey, the health freak’s demands I was in shape. I had contacts, no braces, and my baby fat was gone leaving only the dimples in my smile. I was completely different. Even my bad boyish haircut had grown out, and was now layered, and for once acting pretty okay. I was happy with how I looked because for once in my life, I was taking care of myself.
“I look a little different.” I said.
“I’d believe that after a year.”
“Hey I got to go.” I had just checked my clock, it was eleven P.M.
“See you tomorrow.” He said in response.
“See you tomorrow.” And I snapped my phone shut.