I wanted to experiment with 3rd person limited narrative, so I tried to write this from Wallace’s POV , filtering the experience and descriptions though his obviously disturbed psyche.
I think he does feel bad after he hits her, but I don’t think it’s the first time this has happened, now will it be the last.
Thanks for the feedback, guys. I’ve been on the DL for a month, and I’m glad I can work back up to speed by writing ficlets.
I liked how you used smell to describe her before Wallace actually saw what she looked like. This makes me want to know more. Why is his psyche disturbed? Who has he hit before? Is he bothered that he hit a woman or that he hit someone at all? If a ficlet makes me that curious, it’s teh awesome.
It really bursts through the starting gate, doesn’t it? I immediately want to know just what in the world is going on in Wallace’s head. The short temper and the fact that this all took place in a pharmacy line means his story should be interesting. I want to know what his motivation is. Awesome. Good to see you writing again!
Thanks for the note, Mariva. That phrase is a little clunky.
I don’t know why that woman says, “pal,” but she does. Maybe because it’s even more condescending and snotty than “asshole,” like she has total contempt for him. Hey, maybe that’s why he punched her?
I honestly don’t know the answers to these questions, but it sure is fun to think about them!
Wil: You have a point about “pal.” Perhaps as you continue the story further, that part of the dialog will seem naturally in line with her character. I’m willing to suspend my disbelief! Let’s see some more. (Maybe when your sinuses are healed.)
Gritty and harsh, like the characters involved. Way cooler than my lame addition to the ‘awesome’ cavalcade of someone decking a complete stranger. LoA
I like. Yet again, your talent for writing comes through, Wil. I do have to admit, though, that I was killing myself laughing after reading it. Why? Because, thanks to having an 8-y-o son, I kept picturing Wallace from Wallace & Gromit. But, aside from not being able to get that image out of my head, and great read!
This one is the perfect sort of ficlet in my mind – just enough detail to make me want more, and left wide open for someone else to come along and continue it.
Also, the dialogue works, and the story is interesting, and in a scary way, believable.
Kind of reminds me of that scene in the movie “Falling Down” where Michael Douglas goes postal on some gang bangers. Quite the emotional scene, Mr. Wheaton. Nicely done!
Wil Wheaton
Disturbed Youth
You Know You Love Mee!
Crown Me Tarzan, King of Mars
Wil Wheaton
Mariva H. Aviram
Miss Kelly
Wil Wheaton
Mariva H. Aviram
Mariva H. Aviram
Trying to Blend
THX 0477
Gorgeous Nerd
Capital "W" Writer (LoA's Geekus Awesomeus)
Never Explain
K Tempest Bradford
J.B. Williams