
Too Many

We did the usual prayers, and she began.
“I stole a ton of stuff.” She murmured guiltily. “I…”
The list went on, I was surprised about how many horrible things she’d done.
Jeez, she committed at least twice or three times the sins I did when I was her age.
GRADEN !! I heard his voice boom threateningly in my head.
Sorry. I thought sheepishly.
I didn’t get any interruptions like that for the rest of the day. After she finished, we did the closing prayers and I blessed her. We got up.
“Lets get out of here.” I blurted.
Emilia looked offended, but she saw my point. We got out and hopped into the rental.
“Where are we going?” I asked.
“One more stop.” She said, focusing on the road.
“As long as we aren’t going to the airport again, I already went to purgatory once, you know.” I joked.
She laughed and we drove on.

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