Couple of Beers
The bar Jason wanted me to meet him at was only a few blocks away.
I walked in and saw him talking to a gruff looking older guy, very Irish looking.
“Hey Parker, meet Barkley, he owns the joint,” Jason said.
I shook his beefy hand, he took my beer order, I sat on the stool next to Jason.
Jason took a quick swig of his Coors.
“Work sucks,” I said, as Barkley returned with my Coors. I took a swig. I had forgotten the ease with which guys can just relax. No pressure really to talk and share feelings.
I wondered if Jason was married or seeing someone. I sure could use a friend to discuss my trepidation about marrying Jolinda. Now I sound like a women, I thought.
We sat and talked sports and the latest Xbox games to come out. I felt like I was back in college with a fraternity brother.
“Should really head home now, it’s getting late,” said Jason.
“Yeah me too,” I said, but felt a melancholy overtake me as I watched Jason walk out the door.
I stayed and had another Coors.