Dante tried to square his shoulders and stay calm, but he shook anyway. This was so hard for him.
“My Dad committed suicide last month.” He whispered.
Eve slapped a hand to her mouth in a silent gasp.
I single, unnoticeable tear escaped from Dante’s eye. Eve tried to reach out a comforting arm, but Dante whipped up and ran away.
He didn’t know where he was running, as long as he was alone someplace.
He found a sidewalk curb and sat down heavily. He felt his back tingle uncomfortably far as his backside hit the concrete curb.
He put his head down, and thought. He had a lot to think about. Not just his late father, but Eve, his mother….everything.
Dante realized many things that few minutes on the curb. Everything seemed to surreal, other worldly.
Life’s too short to worry about things like this. He thought.
The epiphany.