
Don't Have To Worry

I sat down at my desk. What am I going to do while he’s gone? It’s winter break and I have nothing to do. I shook my head.I decided to start brain storming. I reached for a pen but once I had it, it slipped out and rolled on the floor and stopped under my bed.

I let out a sigh and got down on my knees. I searched aimlessly under the bed for the pen.

“Where the hell did that pen go,” I muttered to myself. I kept swinging my arm back and forth until my hand hit something hard. What’s this?

I pulled out the box from under the bed. Oh, this. I opened it up. Inside laid all the things I ever got from Nathan, my OLD boyfriend that I have tried to forget. That was not a good time, not a good boyfriend either for certain reasons. I remember the time I put everything in there, when we broke up. God am I glad we did. I shook my head and stuffed it back under the bed.

“Good thing I don’t have to worry about him being around any more, he moved probably doesn’t even think of me anymore,” I said aloud.

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