
Flipping Over the Rover

What were you thinking?

Her mother rarely yelled at her, but Dareana knew she was in trouble when she reached that point. “I just wanted to help,” she said in her smallest voice.

Her hands were clasped behind her back. The bulky asbestos coat hindered her movement, though at eight years old she should have been used to it by now.

“Well, you get your helmet back on and march right back out there and flip it back over. Now!” Mother cried and crossed her arms over her chest. Her lips were set in the way that said there was to be no arguing.

Dareana slipped her helmet back on, her golden eyes welling with tears. As she walked the long hallway to the outside, she looked at all the poster sized pictures from so long ago.

They were there to remind them. The red planet had once held vast oceans, green pastures, and monumental forests.

Before pressing the button to open the hatch Dareana sighed, staring up at the shuttle that would carry the first inhabitants to a planet now called Earth.

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