
Jesus' second coming 2

Connic Chung: If the treatment was so bad, then why have you returned?

Jesus: It is my pop’s idea of a really bad joke..

Connie Chung: Really?? I mean.. Do you mean to imply that God has a bad sense of humor?

Jesus: One word… crucifixion. You still believe my father’s sense of humor isn’t warped? I mean.. I did everything He wanted me to do. Truely believed in ya’ll. I was rooting for you the entire way. Until you killed me. That kind of messed me up a little bit.

Connie Chung: So…. do you mean to tell me that you are still upset with us about that?

Jesus: Naw. Like I said.. I got over it. Took the destruction of a few planets with global wrath, you know.. floods, plagues, locust and stuff. But the therapy seemed to work and I am fine now.

Connie Chung: Why did you come back then?

Jesus: My father’s idea of a joke, I guess. He says I need to try again. He said everyone should experience death at least once. Course the ‘at least’ part has me worried.

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