The Coin (XV)
Robert, ever the skeptic, stared at the coin for a second. “Nice,” he said. “What pawn shop did you find that at?”
Will picked it up. He looked at it, seemed to weigh it in his hand. He looked at Robert and told him, “Anyone who pawned this would be a right idiot.”
“Oh, right,” Robert said. “Like you would know.”
Jaime glared at him. “Robert, which one of you two is the coin collector?” Robert, quite wisely, shut up.
“So,” I asked Will, “what’s your opinion?”
“It’s beautiful, for one thing. Pure gold?”
“You tell me.”
“Well, I can’t really tell that myself, but…” He stopped for a moment. “Will, can I borrow this for the night.”
I hesitated. “It’s not that I don’t trust you, Will, but… I’d rather not.”
Robert started to say something, but Will interrupted with, “Okay. Can we all go back to my place from here?” Everyone nodded. “Great. I need to check something.”
He looked at me. “Something that may verify you’re telling the truth.” I don’t know who was more surprised – them or me.