
Jason's Empty Cubicle

Walking past Jason’s empty cubicle, I wondered why he was late for work.

At my coffee break still no Jason.

Lunch. No Jason. I was worried. I wondered all day why he didn’t show up for work. I wanted to have a few beers after work and talk. Mostly about ‘the wedding’.

I wondered what his relationship with his girlfriend, Brooke, is like. I think her name is Brooke. I wondered if he knew my fiancee’s name.

Jolinda called , “Parker, don’t forget after work we’re meeting with the caterer.”

She said a whole bunch of other stuff, but my ears only heard ” yadda, yadda, yadda”.

I held the phone away from my ear, and periodically said, “Yeah, uh huh, ok.”

I was bored. Invoices, files and phone calls. The bosses were breathing down my neck all day. The copy machine shut down. Someone swiped my stapler.

I wondered again what was going on that kept Jason from work.
I hoped that he was having more fun that me.

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