
Every Single Person part 2

And then that got me thinking about everyone I know, or used to know. Everyone who has every affected me in some way, shaping me to become who I am today. I started to make a list in my head. But soon I realized, there are way too many for a list. Way to many for one ficlet. The list would have to be a long chain of ficlets to fit.
I mean, writers, authors, ficleteers, my parents, my sister, family members, my friends, people who used to be friends, crushes, teachers, dance instructors, camp counselors, priests, actors, song writers, musicians, chapel speakers, people in the Bible, God.
These people have affected me, changed my thinking, or just stuck with me. And I’m just 14. Think of how many people will affect me somehow in my lifetime.
And then I thought, who have I affected? Left a lasting impression on? And I found I really hoped I’d made that kind of impression on someone.
Some of these people know that they’ve left an impression, or affected me somehow. But most don’t. Maybe they should. Maybe.

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