In the End...
The next day, Jeremy did not get out of bed. Jay chirped an nudged his hands, and finally Jeremy opened his eyes just enough for Jay to see them. “Jay, I feel like death itself,” he mumbled. “You better leave.”
Jay stayed in his spot. “I don’t want you to see me this way, and if worse comes to worse, I don’t want you to see me die.”
Jay stayed. I’m not leaving you. We’re friends and friends stick together. He thought. “Jay, go!” Jeremy said more forcedly.
Jay still stayed where he was. “CAN’T YOU SEE THAT I DON ’T WANT YOU HERE ANYMORE ? GO AWAY !” Jeremy yelled.
As Jay obeyed and fluttered out the window, Jeremy added softly, “I’ve decided that I don’t want to die anymore.”
So Jay stood on the window sill for a while, taking some final looks at his best friend. He left a teardrop on that window sill, and flew slowly away. When he landed on a branch, he cuddled up to the little sweater Jeremy made just for him, and remembered how much Jeremy took care of him. Then, he had an idea.