
Jeremy's Death

So this was it. This was the end of Jeremy Evitts. He never thought he would die, well at least not in this way. As he layed on his bed, he remembered. Not just the past few days. He remembered his whole life. When they bought the house, when his mother taught him how to feed himself, when he first went to school, when he graduated from Kindergarten, when he had his first sleepover, etcetera.
Then he felt his whole body slowing down. And just like in that dream about the car crash, the whole world became blurry. Then, darkness swallowed the world in front of his eyes. He could hear his heartbeat. Thump, thump, thump It started slowing down. Thump.. thump.. thump.. And then even slower. Thump…. thump…. thump…. Thump. He couldn’t hear anything now. He felt wind rushing through his hair, and he felt like he was flying. The sensations he went through were unexplainable. “Good bye Earth,” he said, and he flew up and away.

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