

That night. That night will never disappear. And today, it’s my turn to drop the soil. It’s cold as it sits in my hand. It feels like my body does, cold. I walk back to my post, now in the first row. I think they put the people in the front who have loss the most. I hated it. I could get my eyes off the coven. I had no way to. No way to hide behind a tall human. Two cemetery sessions in a month? Is this even legal?

The prayer is said, I only heard mumbles. I am stuck in my head.

“Maddie, Maddie are you okay?”, Brian says facing me.
Do I look okay? Why do people always ask that? This is unbearable…

“Could you hold my shoes?”, I take my heels off and hand them to him.

I turn and run.

I run away from him. Away from the cemetery. Away from my life.

This sounds familiar.

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