R_M's Ficlets Best Practices Introduction
I was going to wait until a Ficlets forum happened, since I feel that the site really should be for fiction alone and even challenges are pushing it a bit—but it’s been this long and we still (still, Kevin, still) don’t have a forum and I can’t help but feel there’s a lot of advice that ficleteers new and old might find useful and there’s no other way that I can see to get it out there for them.
These are my Ficlets “Best Practices”—little things that frustrate me that people don’t do, because I think Ficlets would be better if they did.
These are nobody’s opinion but my own, of course. If you have your own Best Practices to put forward, feel free to post ‘em yourself. I suggest using the tags nonfiction and best practices among whatever others you like. If you agree or disagree with my opinions, leave comments.
Let’s begin.