
The Mischievous Marquee (Living Descriptions Challenge)

The church marquee enjoyed, whenever possible, being the embodiment of irony. If it had been capable of laughing, considering its present message, it would have. If it could have affixed an addendum, it would have added LMAO or LOL .

But, it was a simple sign in front of a simple church. It was not capable of spawning messages of its own. It could only cringe at the general lack of creativity the silly Christians lavished upon it.

At times, in the past, the marquee did unexpected things. Dropping a letter here or there to create unintended messages, hoping the occasional passerby might enjoy it. The marquee really just wanted to be friendly.

This was its masterpiece, however. The one that would get it fired, if it could be fired.

The message the pastor carelessly affixed to it was:

The best position for prayer
is on your knees!

Throughout the week, the sign allowed nine loose letters to fall to the ground creating through subtraction its present message.

The best position
is on your knees!

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