
Macy 20: So-called Love

It was Shane and some girl, making out in a blue lawn chair. Macy wanted to stop watching, but she couldn’t take her eyes away. She didn’t blink for so long, tears got in her eyes. And a mix of emotions flowed in with those tears. There was anger, pain, sorrow and a whole lot more.

“Macon, I don’t want to watch anymore.â€? Macy told him.

He was still grinning, “Oh I know.â€? Macon gripped her tighter, and her eyes were drawn back to Shane’s lips.

“Macon, let me go. I don’t wanna.â€? He didn’t reply to her, just shifted a little. He moved to one arm around her and then the other forced her face toward the yard. Her cheeks were squished and red now, but she managed to get out, “Let go.â€? Macy thrashed against him, but he wasn’t permitting her leave. She watched for three solid minutes, with tears the whole time, until Macon finally dipped down to her and spoke.

He chuckled silently and said, “Now this is what I call love.â€?

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