
Oh, Boy

Training went on as usual. I learned a lot of new techniques during the next few months, all while avoiding getting shot like I did before.

That kid that I met in the gym, his name was Mark. I felt a sort of attachment to the kid, so I let him hang around with me. I ended up teaching him a few things, he’s a good soldier.

I’m going to get my first mission soon, and it’s gonna be a big one, too. I’ll be commanding a small battalion of men.

I am looking forward to it, but you can’t exactly call me excited about it. I’ve never had any leadership experience. All my trainers just tell me that they will do anything I say.

On the day before my mission, the kid, Mark, ran up to me, as usual.

“I’m going to be a part of your mission!” He said excitedly.

Oh, boy. Now I have to babysit this guy on top of a bunch of others!

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