

I “woke up” from my pod, and got ready for my first mission. My trainers introduced me to a brand new suit. I liked. The visor had an eye-shield that didn’t fog up like the other one did. It was airtight, and cooled. The only thing that seemed odd about it was a built-in backpack attached to the suit.

“The pack contains extra nanobots to speed up your already fast regeneration and for quick armor repairs.” The trainer explained. “It also contains a radio and emergency weapons.”

I knew what they meant by “emergency weapons”.

“You mean a self-destruct mechanism?” I asked.

“Yes.” The trainer responded unfalteringly. “Just initiate command 000.

I nodded.

“Lets hope that isn’t necessary.” I said, and walked out to meet my battalion.

I had already went through the mission briefing, so I was prepared.

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