
You're All I Ever Want

“Hey baby,” Madison said in the sultriest voice she could muster.
“Uh, hey,” he said, seeming confused.
“So we’re totally going to the prom together, right babyy?” she said.
“Well, I actually asked Lilly,” he said. Then he went over and stood next to Lilly, putting his arm around her waist.
“Why would you go with her, when you could go with…meee,” she said, still sultry-sounding.
“Well that’s obvious,” he said, as if she asked what color his shirt was. He then looked at Lilly and said, “She’s all I’ll ever want.”
Furious, Madison stamped her foot. Losing the sultry voice, she said, “After all the good times we had, after all the laughs?”
“Yeah, like when I found you against a locker making out with Chris? Hilarious,” he said, his voice dripping with sarcasm. Lilly stuck her tongue out at Madison when Brian wasn’t looking.
Seeing this was going nowhere, she stalked off, yelling, “You guys will be-” And at that instant she stopped yelling, because she ran head first into the trash can.

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