
The Fae

He looked amused, “Because you are The Fae.”
I stared at him for a second, wondering if he was just having fun with me, like a cat playing with a mouse. “I’m not a Fae, they’re extinct, remember?” I said sarcastically.
He rolled his eyes,”Yes, yes, I know, but I didn’t say you were a Fae, I said you were The Fae.Very large difference.”
I spoke critically,”You mean I’m the only Fae left?”
“Not exactly,”he looked pleased with himself,”You were born of the Warlocks, which is odd because we expected it to be something other than… a human or something…” he paused, musing,”At any rate, when you were born a… spell or enchantment of sorts created by the last of the Fae magistrates entered you and converted you into The Fae.The one destined to return the Fae back into the world.”
He seemed rather pleased with his explanation. I, however, was still a little confused. “You’re saying I was turned into a Fae by a spell?When I was born?”
“Yes, surely you have noticed some… abnormal abilities in yourself?”

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