
On the Run

That stopped me. There was the scent, the scent that was overpowering all around me that no one else had ever been able to smell. It was what had triggered all the protection around me. A Vampire attacked my town; I had been complaining of a bad smell for five minutes before the attack. I was 6. My parents couldn’t understand it. All of a sudden there were many Vampire attacks in our area, looking for me- the Warlock magistrates put me under the protection of several Warlock gaurds.
I’d been on the run ever since, constantly moving with my Warlock gaurds, using my sense of smell to keep us out of danger.
“My sense of smell I have noticed,” I said after a moment.
He nodded eagerly, “Yes, that would have been the first power to develop, have you not noticed anything else? Do flowers seem to wilt when you’re angry or sad? Weather? is that affected by your mood? You should be a very powerful Fae considering the last Fae magistrates gave up all their powers to the spell.”
“But why would they do that?” I asked.

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