
Via I-M (22)

Kmartluvr: Fine..Go ahead

Clueddude:okay here’s the plan. Ava will invite your chick over ok?

Kmartluvr: She has a name you know…oh and I don’t think they’re close like that.

Clueddude: I seriously hate you, man..Listen to me first before you start complaining.

Kmartluvr: Alright Alright!

Clueddude:ok so after she invites her over and she agrees and asks her parents and what not, She’ll show up there expecting to see Ava and some of her other peeps but instead…do you know what’s coming next?

Kmartluvr: I’ll be there with the food i cooked and some romantic candles, DUDE YOU ’RE A GENIUS !

Clueddude:yeah i know i know. I get that a lot.

Kmartluvr: But how are you gonna convince Ava and her mom to leave the house…They’re not gonna be there right?

Clueddude:nah man, let me handle this..Ava can’t say no to me…unlike somebody my girlfriend actually trusts me.

Kmartluvr: Ooh BURN , ouch that burns dude.

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